Q. What is a deist?

A.  The most basic definition is a deist is one who believes in a creator, a deity that is the sum total of consciousness.   This deity though is not seen as a judge or overlord, rather simply part of all things, a universal energy, and a consciousness that we are all part of on some level.  There is no hard definition of Deist, despite attempts by many to make it so, simply put a Deist believes their is some intelligence behind all that is, that our universe and life as we know it, did not occur by accident.

Q.  Who is the founder or leader of the ModernDeist.org?

A.  The founder of this site is Jack Spirko, a well known podcaster in other venues, but he doesn’t claim to be in charge of anything or to have any more insight than any other human.  The church has no formal leadership only kinship among members who assist each other in learning and finding answers to questions.  It really isn’t a “church” in the way we tend to think of it, but at some point I am open to some sort of formalizing it.

Q.  How does one become a deist or a member of the Church of Universal Spirit?

A.  There are no rituals or sacraments if you say you are a deist, you are a deist.  Deism welcomes any who claim membership.  Though if you want to create a formal relationship consider registering as a member on this site.  The Church itself is only symbolic, a community around this blog.

Q.  Where does the Church’s source of funding come from?  Can I make a donation?

A.  The founder provides the web hosting and pays for the domain name and does so as a service.  There is no “collection plate” and this site does not ask members for money at any time.  We only ask that you share your knowledge and experience with other members.  If you want to help with money there are many worthy charities you can contribute to, we really do not want your money, seriously.

Q.  Are there priests or ministers or something like that in Deism?

A.  The answer is both yes and no.  First no there is no hierarchy such as in the Catholic Church, no priests or bishops, etc.  On the other hand we feel every man and every woman is a “minister” of sorts in that we all support and teach one another.  Deists are egalitarian believing that in regard to spirit no individual is superior to another, we are all students and we are all teachers.

Q.  Are there rules, commandments or a code of conduct for deists in general?

A.  As we are led by logic and reason our moral code is based on the same and in many ways it is up to each man or woman to set much of their own code.  We do however believe that no man should harm another.  In short this is one the Pagan’s got right with, “an it harm none, do as thou wilt”.  Going deeper than that at this time is beyond a simple FAQ but we have no complicated rules, we believe enlightened and reasoned men know right from wrong internally.

Q.  Does this have any political agenda or political party affiliation?

A.  No, save that as a deist believes that no man should harm another and hence we strongly believe in individual liberty.  As such Deism tends to attract people with a somewhat libertarian mindset.  Personally I am a voluntarist and agorist however Deism is a big tent and open to anyone of any political belief, however it has a strong tendency to lead people to a far greater appreciation for true liberty.


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